Close-to-Close Volatility Calculator

A simple tool to calculate historical volatility using daily closing prices. Perfect for analyzing price variability in financial (read: stock) markets.

About Close-to-Close Volatility

Close-to-close volatility measures price variability using daily closing prices. It's widely used in financial (stock) markets for its simplicity.

Alternative Measures

Parkinson Volatility

Uses daily high/low prices for better intraday coverage.


Incorporates opening, closing, high, and low prices.

Common values:
  • 252 - US stocks
  • 365 - Cryptocurrency
  • 260 - Some markets
Important Input Requirements
  • Enter data chronologically (oldest to newest)
  • Date format: any format without spaces (e.g., 10/18/2024, 1.1.24 or 31-Oct-24,…)
  • Price format: use dots for decimals (e.g., 27.58)
  • Pro tip: You can directly paste from Excel (two columns: dates and prices)
  • Example: 10/18/2024[Tab or Space]42.50